This project followed after the creation of my typeface inspired by Herb Lubalin's work. This project allowed me to bring the features of Herb Lubalin's work into my own poster. Beautiful letters working together was something that Lubalin's work demonstrated and showcased, putting his creation of type in the foreground. As I had created a rather modular system which meant that the letters would be based on the same pivot points, there were lots of opportunities to use the typeface and showcase this modularity. 

The quote "Never Blame Me" was generated by myself and I feel that it works well particularly when experimenting with Lubalin's style, I feel as it expresses the opportunity that this modular font creates. The quote was created during the process of testing the font physically with different point sizes and seeing how each letter in its different size interacts with all of the letters on the page. The colour choice was rather minimal and aimed to showcase the typeface in all. Of its beauty rather than fading it behind a busy background.
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